Candidate RAIL

Decrease Falloffs and Counteroffers

About this program

In today’s market, just because a candidate accepts a job, it doesn’t mean they are going to start working at your client. More often, we’re seeing candidates accept multiple offers simultaneously. Sometimes they start all the roles, sometimes they’re hedging their bets on a better offer. Either way, it’s more important than ever to effectively manage your candidate and client, post acceptance.

During this program, you’ll learn to manage both sides of the transaction. There are specific recommendations you’ll provide to your clients, which when implemented, will be the protection needed to ensure your deal stays closed. You’ll learn exactly what to say to your candidates throughout the process to massively decrease the likelihood of them accepting and not starting with your client.

Watch This Video!

Learn about the massive impact a Candidate RAIL had on Shane's revenue this year.

2 Hours of Training
2 Amazing Advisors
Unlimited Deals Saved

Your Advisors

Jason Thibeault

Jason Thibeault

Jason is a modern Renaissance Man – widely knowledgeable, yet translates it well. He’s degreed in Philosophy, was a USAF Captain, Plant Manager, Recruiter; now Trainer and Coach. He’s also a published author, artist, black belt, and is fluent in computer and dog.
Tricia Tamkin

Tricia Tamkin

Tricia has owned a search firm since before recruiters had computers on their desk. She added online search to those skills in the 90s, but easily goes old school. She’s started a number of successful business and been quoted by numerous magazines and trade journals.

Program Modules

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